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Frequently Asked Questions

Everything you need to know about Caddi.
What chains/exchanges is Caddi live on?
We’re live on-chain with Ethereum Mainnet, Arbitrum and Polygon. You can also (optionally) trade using Binance, Kraken, Kucoin with API access to these exchanges
Does Caddi need my seed phrase?
Absolutely not, you shouldn’t give us (or anyone else for that matter) your seed phrase. All on-chain transactions will be signed using your current wallet when a trade is made
Which wallets are compatible?
Currently we have support for Metamask, Rabby, Frame and Ledger, we’re working on support for more wallets. If you have a request feel free to reach out to the Caddi team
Is Caddi a wallet?
Caddi isn't a wallet itself, use your current wallet or exchanges to keep your assets. Think of us as a companion which helps optimize your trades.
How does Caddi affect my regular wallet transactions?
Caddi will only popup for swaps, for these, we scan and search for different trading routes. This adds about 1 second per transaction before Caddi pops up to save you money
Does Caddi store my API Keys or Data?

We don’t store any sensitive data, the API Keys are kept in local storage in your extension and encrypted using the password you create. It’s the same encryption that Metamask uses for your seed phrase. Read more about it here. We store data regarding transactions which is used for product metrics and to make Caddi better
How much does does Caddi cost?

Nothing, it’s free to use.
Do I have to have a centralized exchange account to trade in CeFi?
Yes, you will have to create an account with a centralized exchange that Caddi supports. Currently Binance, Kraken, Kucoin and link them via API. Note that connecting to CeFi is optional.
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